Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 10 EOC: What are the benefits vs the features

My product of course has some benefits and features. Some are obvious and some are hidden and hard to find. Every benefit is well worth the money spent, same as the features, but it is better to reassure your customers that they are getting their moneys worth. Lower-income consumers are price sensitive, but they will pay for products if they deliver a benefit that is worth the money. –MKTG Page 7.

A few benefits to my product are: the price, it does not cost too much and does not cost too little, the distribution, it will be distributed in a “jello sized” container which is pretty normal and user friendly. Package uniformity: A product line can benefit from package uniformity. All packages in the line may have a common look and still keep their individual identities. Again, Campbell's soup is a good example. –MKTG Page 177.

Features can be just as, if not, then more important than the benefits of a product. A feature of Dirt with Worms is how much content is inside the package. It has enough content for a quick fill up but not enough to make you feel full or bloated. A feature is more of a want than a need in a product A want can be for a specific product, or it can be for a certain attribute or feature of a product.–MKTG Page 92.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 9 EOC: Social Media

Social Media is extremely powerful in this day and age and it is crazy to not even consider using it to promote yourself or your product. Social Media is crucial and vital in marketing whether it is Instagram, Vine, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, or whatever is created tomorrow. "Increased Brand Recognition. Every opportunity you have to syndicate your content and increase your visibility is valuable. Your social media networks are just new channels for your brand’s voice and content. This is important because it simultaneously makes you easier and more accessible for new customers, and makes you more familiar and recognizable for existing customers." Quoted from .

The way that I plan on making “Dirt with Worms” popular is first changing the name to “Dirt n’ Worms” because Dirt with Worms is a mouthful. The next step is to grab my friends and family members and have them post a picture of the product with them eating it on any and all social media sites they use using #DirtnWorms. Example: Hey everyone you’ve gotta try this new thing called Dirt n’ Worms, it’s like pudding but it’s creamy and chewy and crunchy… I just can’t explain it (insert picture of them eating it)! #DirtnWorms Richer Customer Experiences. Social media, at its core, is a communication channel like email or phone calls. Every customer interaction you have on social media is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate your customer service level and enrich your relationship with your customers. Quoted from .

Promoting through social media can cost little to absolutely nothing and it is much better than being bombarded with ads that you cannot avoid. Social media is never going away and is only becoming more and more popular. The longer you wait, the more you have to lose. Social media marketing, when done right, can lead to more customers, more traffic, and more conversions, and it’s here to stay.” Quoted from .

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 8 EOC: Creative Content

The direction I want to take this in is for the Internet. A Website is the perfect way to reach any and everyone at any time of day regardless of where they live. The Internet is not going away for a very, very long time and will probably never disappear, ever. The website will be in English and display content of the product such as: What exactly is “Dirt with Worms”, what does it look like, and various other facts and information of the product. The navigation of the website will be displayed at the top with the title Dirt with Worms directly below it and a motto under the title. Under the title will be a picture of the product and exactly what it is and why you, the consumer, would want it. Below that will be various social media links to twitter, tumblr, facebook, instagram, pintrest, etc., and the copyright date on the footer. The color scheme of the website will be white, brown, and black (not sure exactly what shades and tints of the colors I will want to use but I know for a fact it will be those three colors).

Week 7 EOC: My Pitch

"Dirt with Worms", what is it? Sounds gross? I promise you it is NOT gross, out of the ordinary and certainly not simple, but simple is boring and boring is not fun. Dirt with Worms is a combination of chocolate pudding, crushed cookies, and white chocolate worms. The lower "Dirt" is the chocolate pudding that you spread across the bottom of the dish, the upper more visible "Dirt" is the crushed and crumbled cookies that you spread across the top of the chocolate pudding, and the final part is the "Worms" which is the white chocolate worms you place inside of the chocolate pudding, under the crushed and crumbled cookies. If you are craving something more sweet than your average everyday snack then Dirt with Worms is perfect for you. It is definitely not your average everyday snack and/or dessert, which makes it even more wonderful, and Dirt with Worms can even be made at home reaching an even larger crowd of people. It is perfect for middle and high school students and even for young adults who need a quick bite that is not messy but will fill them up so they can get back to work. If you are still asking yourself what is “Dirt with Worms”, it is a fun tasty pudding snack that is cold, crunchy, chewy, and different from your average quick fix snack.

Implementation Evaluation Control

If I were to create “Dirt with Worms” right now I would first begin with advertising through social media (Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, Facebook, etc.). I would use my family and friends, at first of all ages, and then target the young adults and teens in school (college or high school). After about a week or two of advertising on social media I would then display my website within the tweets or instagram posts. The website is designed for people to think, “Wow this is a legit things, I should give it a try” or have the viewers think that it is more popular than it actually is. By all means I do not plan on tricking the consumers on how my product is being displayed.

I would probably have to give “hand outs” and let people taste it before they actually buy it so they themselves can spread the word on how amazing it is which will then allow me to introduce the price and have it displayed within the stores (or even the in school student stores for even more promotion from within the audience).

After the popularity of “Dirt with Worms” rises I will then modify and evolve the product giving them options and varieties of how they would like to have it.